Friday, January 30, 2015

January 29, 2015

Every Other Thursday, you’ll get this short, fun, relevant newsletter.  It will contain a quote or smile about the library and those who love it, an idea you can use to promote your library or reading in general, a Common Core implementation idea and a shameless plug for the programs I offer.  Enjoy! 

If you are new to EOT or have missed any previous issues, you can read them all at And please tell your friends about it!

In this issue:
“You can quote me on that!”
Here’s an idea!
Common Core Tip
Shameless Plug

Words of Wisdom
“When I look back, I am so impressed again with the life-giving power of literature. If I were a young person today, trying to gain a sense of myself in the world, I would do that again by reading, just as I did when I was young.”
Maya Angelou

“I cannot live without books.”
Thomas Jefferson

Encouraging reading – from 45 Ideas in 45 Minutes
From the Promote Your Media Center section
1. Post your Media Center stats and update them every week or so. From an office supply store, get a sign board with changeable letters and share at least the following information:

765 items to staff and faculty
2,376 items to students
For a total of 3,141 items!
This is a 17% increase over last year!
Way to go, Bobcats!

If you can’t spend the money on a permanent sign, print it out on a brightly colored piece of paper and post it near the door!  People need to see what the media center is doing and how valuable it is!

Last week I discussed getting grants and have heard from a few of you that you have applied. Way to go! Here is a BONUS MONEY IDEA – If your Partners in Education are under-utilized, get permission to ask them for a contribution for books or equipment. Businesses become business partners so they can help. Not using them is a wasted opportunity. Think what you could do with four $250 donations!

Common Core Tip
The Developmental Studies Center ( has a wealth of Common Core resources, including a Tip Of The Week (TOTW) section. Explore the site and find resources, ideas and answers for your teachers (and your media center program!).

Here a quick tip from a previous TOTW:
Getting Started with Opinion Writing

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.K.1 - This standard reads: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is…).

The following activity is based on one of the new supplemental activities available to our program users on our website. While the activity was written for Kindergarten, I think it could easily be adapted across the grades, using the continuum of learning outlined in the standards for each grade level. It’s also one that can be repeated several times throughout the year.

Draw and Write About Books

Show the covers of a few books you’ve been reading and read each title aloud. Briefly discuss what the students liked about each book, and then display it where everyone can see. Tell the students that one way they can let others know about a book they especially like is to write about the book. (For the rest of the article, click here.)

Shameless Plug
If you are in the Atlanta or northeast GA area, I still have Tuesday, March 3 (Read Across America Week!) available during the day. I will be in Royston that evening. Don’t forget that EOT readers get a 10% discount

Here’s what your colleagues have to say about the programs I offer:

“You have found your calling! In eight years as a media specialist I have seen a lot of good assembly programs. Yours was the best!
Sarah Chancellor, Heritage Elementary School, Macon, GA

“I have already heard from several teachers that we have GOT to get you back for another assembly visit!”
Charlene McAleer, Burdell-Hunt Magnet School, Macon, GA

Let me know how I can help! See you in two weeks!

Encouraging kids to read, I am
Tommy Johns
Educational Entertainment Specialist
Call (770) 640-6509 or Toll Free at (866) 490-READ
Your peers appreciate your advice about quality programs. Please tell them about your experience working with us. Our best sales people are our many loyal clients.
Call (770) 640-6509 or Toll Free at (866) 490-READ

Thursday, January 15, 2015

January 15, 2015

Happy New Year!

Every Other Thursday, you’ll get this short, fun, relevant newsletter.  It will contain a quote or smile about the library and those who love it, an idea you can use to promote your library or reading in general, a Common Core implementation idea and a shameless plug for the programs I offer.  Enjoy! 

If you are new to EOT or have missed any previous issues, you can read them all at And please tell your friends about it!

In this issue:
Words of Wisdom from Dr. King
Need More Money?
Common Core Vocabulary Tips
Shameless Plug

Words of Wisdom
We must remember that intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character–that is the goal of true education. The complete education gives one not only power of concentration, but worthy objectives upon which to concentrate. The broad education will, therefore, transmit to one not only the accumulated knowledge of the race but also the accumulated experience of social living.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Read the full speech here

Encouraging reading – from 45 Ideas in 45 Minutes
Money – there’s never enough. Here’s help!
24. Collect Box Tops for Education and Labels for Education and use funds for media center needs. Have a couple of label drives each year and reward classes that collect the most. My wife’s school collected over $1150 in BTFE and got equipment for the school using LFE. Get a volunteer to collect, sort, tally and turn in the labels. You do NOT have to do this yourself.
25. Grants. Two grants for libraries that are worth looking into are the Target grants for reading (look here for more info) and the Dollar General Grants (click here).

Common Core Tip
When I was a student, I ALWAYS passed vocabulary tests with great grades, but almost never added words I learned to my “working vocabulary.” It was not until about the 6th grade that I had a teacher who encouraged actually USING the words we learned in conversation that I began to integrate new vocabulary words into life. One goal of Common Core is to lead students to make new vocabulary “second nature.” This article gives 11 tips for doing just that.

Shameless Plug
You can reward your readers with stuff or with experiences. One way to give students an unforgettable experience that encourages them to read is to schedule an assembly visit from Tommy Johns Presents! Take a look at and discover which of the eight programs offered will fit your needs best.

Here’s what your colleagues have to say about the programs I offer:
“Thanks for a great show. Our mission is to educate, enrich and entertain – you certainly covered all three areas! What a great way to get children to Dream BIG! Thank you again and have a great summer.”
Mandi Cantrell, BB Comer Library, Sylacauga, AL

“Our teachers loved the show as much as the children.  They asked me to get you back to our school next year!  (You were) so easy to work with and book.  Everything exceeded expectations.”
Sherry Plant, Lynn Fanning Elementary School, Meridianville, AL

Let me know how I can help! See you in two weeks!

Encouraging kids to read, I am
Tommy Johns
Educational Entertainment Specialist

PS – Don’t forget to share this newsletter and blog with your colleagues!
Call (770) 640-6509 or Toll Free at (866) 490-READ
Your peers appreciate your advice about quality programs. Please tell them about your experience working with us. Our best sales people are our many loyal clients.