Thursday, October 17, 2013

October 17, 2013

Every Other Thursday, you’ll get this short, fun, relevant newsletter.  It will contain a quote or smile about the library and those who love it, an idea you can use to promote your library or reading in general, a Common Core implementation idea and a shameless plug for the programs I offer.  Enjoy! 

If you are new to EOT or have missed any previous issues, you can read them all at And please tell your friends about it!

In this issue:
·         Hollywood big shots talk about the library!
·         Welcome new subscribers
·         Promote reading using high quality video – for free!
·         Common Core idea – Sentence Frames
·         All Aboard the Arctic Express!

Library Quote/Smile – Let’s hear from three big time celebrities!

"My mother and my father were illiterate immigrants from Russia.  When I was a child they were constantly amazed that I could go to a building and take a book on any subject.  They couldn’t believe this access to knowledge we have here in America.”
Kirk Douglas, actor

"When I was a kid and the other kids were home watching Leave It to Beaver, my father and stepmother were marching me off to the library."
Oprah Winfrey, actor, talk-show host

"I used to go to the library all the time when I was a kid.  As a teenager, I got a book on how to write jokes at the library, and that, in turn, launched my comedy career."
Drew Carey, comedian, game show host

Welcome New Subscribers!

I had the pleasure of seeing a lot of folks at COMO last week! I enjoyed spending time with Ryan Jett of Bound to Stay Bound and will be joining him at his booth at GAETC in November! Several people signed up for “Every Other Thursday” and registered to win a half day of assembly programs. We welcome our new subscribers and look forward to visiting with you EVERY OTHER THURSDAY! Congratulations to Karen Hickey of Flowery Branch who won a half day of programs!

Promote (From the “Encouraging Readers and Non-Readers to Read” Section of 45 Ideas in 45 Minutes)

13. Ask the local high school video technology teacher to assign booktalks or reading promotion as a video assignment. Got an idea for a great video to promote your reading emphasis or special event? You’ve got trained, creative, enthusiastic and equipped students at your high school who can help. One of my elementary school clients in Alabama convinced the video technology teacher to assign booktalks as a project and the results were terrific!

Common Core Connection

This two minute video is worth sharing with your ELA teachers (and probably those who teach ANY subject that requires writing!). It is about using sentence frames to get students to write their ideas and what they have learned. It is a great way to encourage readers to respond to what they have read and this exercise encourages critical thinking.  I love what the teacher says about how a sentence frame “takes PART of the job of writing away from the student so they can focus on the content.” This could be especially helpful for struggling readers and writers.

Shameless Plug

The holidays are just around the corner and one great way to promote reading AND celebrate the season is to treat your students and faculty to Arctic Express! a program that’s trainloads of fun, filled with puppets, magic, storytelling, music, and audience participation. This imaginary train ride magically takes kids around the world to learn about winter holidays like: Diwali, Thanksgiving, Kwanzaa, Solstice, Chinese New Year, Hanukkah and of course, Christmas.

Yes, the program is educationally significant, and yes, the program strongly encourages children to read. But don’t think for a minute that the show is anything less than sheer delight for everyone, including teachers and staff. When you hear the sleigh bell ring at the end of the show, you won’t be the only one to wipe a tear from your eye.

Call or e-mail today and reserve your spot for this inspiring program!

Here’s what one of your colleagues had to say about having a TJP program at her school: “WOW!  Tommy Johns is fantastic!  Through magic, puppets, games, music and lots of volunteers from the audience, his enthusiastic personality encourages students to be READERS.” 

Janie B. Vaden, Ed.S, Media Specialist
Varnell Elementary
Dalton, GA

Let me know how I can help! See you in two weeks!

Encouraging kids to read, I am
Tommy Johns
Educational Entertainment Specialist
Call (770) 640-6509 or Toll Free at (866) 490-READ
Your peers appreciate your advice about quality programs. Please tell them about your experience working with us. Our best sales people are our many loyal clients.

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