Thursday, November 14, 2013

November 14, 2013

Every Other Thursday, you’ll get this short, fun, relevant newsletter.  It will contain a quote or smile about the library and those who love it, an idea you can use to promote your library or reading in general, a Common Core implementation idea and a shameless plug for the programs I offer.  Enjoy! 

If you are new to EOT or have missed any previous issues, you can read them all at And please tell your friends about it!

In this issue:
Library Smiles!
Promote Reading
Common Core
Shameless Plug –


Last week I spent a couple of days at GaETC, the Georgia Educational Technology Conference and had a great time in the Bound to Stay Bound booth with Ryan Jett! I made a lot of new friends and saw a lot of long time friends. I especially liked the part when people came up and said, “You’re the Thursday Newsletter guy! I read every issue!” Thanks! It’s very affirming to know that people are reading this!

We did the drawing and the winner of a NO STRINGS ATTACHED FREE half day of assembly programs is… (drum roll please)…

Ann Godfrey, Media Specialist at Hamilton Crossing Elementary in Cartersville, GA! Ann call or e-mail me and let’s schedule your visit!

Library Quote/Smile –

“Doing research on the Web is like using a library assembled piecemeal by pack rats and vandalized nightly.”
Roger Ebert

"School libraries help teachers teach and children learned.  Children and teachers need library resources--especially books--and the expertise of a librarian to succeed.  Books, information technology and school librarians who are part of the schools' professional team are basic ingredients for student achievement."
First Lady Laura Bush

Promote (From the “Themes and Events” Section of 45 Ideas in 45 Minutes)

(Last issue we discussed making lists of “Readalikes” to encourage readers to broaden their selections. This week at GaETC, a media specialist stopped by the booth and in our conversation, she mentioned NoveList, a feature of Galileo, that will help you with making your Readalike lists. If you come up with a list or two you want to share, let me know and I’ll post it on the blog so others can benefit from your hard work and generosity!)

16. Host a WRAD – Write and Read All Day – once a year. Have guest readers and select quick reads for the kids to read for each grade level.

WRAD is a fun event that can involve business partners, parents, local celebrities (mayor, school superintendent, football coach, etc. This is a fairly complicated event, so if you are interested, e-mail me and I’ll type it up for you.

Common Core Connection

Do you Pin? Are you a Pinterest junkie? There is a LOT of helpful Common Core information one a HUGE variety of boards, and one I have had a lot of fun reading is

Here’s one idea I found that I just have to share!  

Common Core Standards Bookmarks! After a lesson about developing reading skills, hand out these bookmarks to students to remind them of what you talked about. It’s a free download for joining Teachers Pay Teachers. If the idea of printing and cutting out bookmarks seems tedious, get a design savvy teacher in your school the content and ask them to design the bookmarks and save them as a hi-res .pdf. Then send the images to and have 500 printed for just $30.00, including shipping. As a matter of fact, if you are interested in having them printed, let me know and I’ll design them and leave room for you to insert your school’s name and mascot on the bookmark for you to use. I will include instructions on how you can convert the bookmark from a Word document into a .pdf, and you will be ready to go! If there is interest, I’ll provide a link in the next newsletter to the document so you can use it anytime! (If you want to get them printed, but don’t have the money, I’ll bet there is a local business that would be glad to make a $50 donation to get the bigger size bookmarks printed with a small “Thank You” to that business on the bottom of the bookmark!)

Shameless Plug

Recently I had the pleasure of leading a Family Literacy Night program at Mimosa Elementary in Roswell, GA. This is the school my kids went to and where I performed my first educational assembly program. My presentation was a 60 minute workshop for parents and kids that included a little bit of magic, a couple of puppets and a TON of ideas about how to encourage your child to read. It went really well, and I am happy to offer it to other schools. Let me know if you are interested and I’ll send more information!

Also, it’s not too late to climb aboard the Arctic Express! This amazing reading program encourages kids to read while teaching them about many of the wonderful winter celebrations enjoyed around the world! Pick up the phone and call today or click “reply” and schedule a visit today!

Here’s what your colleagues had to say about having a TJP program at her school:

“You were so easy to work with.  You did exactly what you said you would do.  You were prepared and on time!  Awesome!”
Betsy Simmons, Media Specialist
Oglethorpe Point Elementary
St. Simon’s Island, GA

Let me know how I can help! See you in two weeks!

Encouraging kids to read, I am
Tommy Johns
Educational Entertainment Specialist
Call (770) 640-6509 or Toll Free at (866) 490-READ
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