Thursday, August 18, 2016

August 11, 2016

Every Thursday, you’ll get this short, fun, relevant newsletter. It will contain a quote or smile about the library and those who love it, an idea you can use to promote your library or reading in general, and an occasional shameless plug for the programs I offer. Enjoy! 

If you are new to EOT or have missed any previous issues, you can read them all at And please tell your friends about it!

In this issue:
Why do you do it?
Singing about READING!

Why do you do it?

Many of you are among the first in the building every day. You are available to and have the responsibility to serve every student and teacher in the building. The variety of questions you get each day are amazing in their subject matter and how MUCH they matter. You have to be an enthusiastic advocate for reading and technology, even when those two things seem to be contradictory. And all of this while having to explain to family and friends that your job is SO much more than checking out books and returning them to the shelves! Why in the world would you willingly accept such a challenging and underappreciated job and why would you EVER return to it year after year?

Because today you may connect a kid to a text that moves him closer to gaining a REAL love for reading. Because tomorrow, you will tell a teacher about a resource that helps her be more effective in the classroom. Because next week and the week after that, you will change someone’s course in a small or large way. You could give me dozens of specific instances that answer the question why, but it boils down to this one simple fact:

Because what you do MATTERS. What you do MAKES A DIFFERENCE. What you do CHANGES LIVES. And that’s enough reason to do what you do. Keep up the good work. And know that no matter what happens next, you are following a high calling. Thank you for what you do!


“Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open.”
--Laura Bush

Encouraging reading – from 45 Ideas in 45 Minutes – Promote Reading

For the past two summers, I have played songs before my library shows that SOUND like songs from the radio that everybody knows, but they really promote reading! Kids LOVE these song parodies and you can use them to promote reading.

There are dozens of these types of songs on YouTube. Librarians are a VERY creative bunch! Do a search for Reading Song Parodies and you'll have lots to choose from.

The ones I used this summer are:

Unread Books (parody of Uptown Funk) -
All About Them Books (parody of All About That Bass) -
Gotta Keep Reading (parody of I Gotta Feeling) -

And a new one I found this week is Check it Out (parody of Shake it Off) -

Enjoy these and play them during checkout, prior to the start of the day or even during a Maker Space visit!

Let me know how I can help! See you next week!

“Just want to say thanks again for an awesome presentation. I am officially the coolest media specialist in the world now!!!”
Pat Bell, Ed. S, Library Media Specialist
Blakeney Elementary School, Waynesboro, GA

Encouraging kids to read, I am
Tommy Johns
Educational Entertainment Specialist

PS – Don’t forget to share this newsletter and blog with your colleagues!

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