Thursday, November 17, 2016

The "Quotable" this week is REALLY good!

November 17, 2016

Every Thursday, you’ll get this short, fun, relevant newsletter. It will contain a quote or smile about the library and those who love it, an idea you can use to promote your library or reading in general, and an occasional shameless plug for the programs I offer. Enjoy!

If you are new to us or have missed any previous issues, you can read them all at And, please; tell your friends about it!

In this issue:
I LOVE to Read!
Getting the Work Done!
Have a Safe and Happy Holiday!

I LOVE to Read!

It’s not just something I say. It’s the TRUTH! I LOVE to read! Newspapers, magazines, books, websites, t-shirts, signs on the wall…if it’s got words on it, I want to read it!

Every Monday morning, for example, I read Gina DeLapa’s Monday Morning Pep Talk! It’s a free weekly newsletter that is relevant, fun and easy to read. In just 3-5 minutes, I get information, encouragement and something to think about.

For instance, this week I read this nugget:

“People who are great at what they do are willing to invest in their abilities, willing to sweat, even willing to look foolish. They may get complimented on being a "natural," but they know natural ability doesn't begin to tell the whole story.”

That sounds like a media specialist to me!

Click here and look at the top right corner of the page to find out how to subscribe to Gina’s newsletter. You’ll thank me for it!


“You should never read just for “enjoyment.” Read to make yourself smarter! Less judgmental! More apt to understand your friends’ insane behavior, or better yet, your own! Pick “hard books.” Ones you have to concentrate on while reading. And…don’t let me ever hear you say, “I can’t read fiction. I only have time for the truth.” Fiction is the truth, fool! Ever hear of “literature”? That means fiction, too.”
John Waters, Writer, Author, Actor,

Encouraging reading – from 45 Ideas in 45 Minutes – Getting the Work Done

29. Recruit and TRAIN volunteers to help with checkout, shelving, website, checking in orders. Whether you call them Media Moms or just helpers, they need to feel confident that they know what they are doing and that it is important work. You MUST train regular volunteers, if you hope to retain them. You also must appreciate them and let them know that you do.

A well trained, appreciated volunteer who feels that she is making a difference is an UNBELIEVABLE asset and can be an amazing advocate for you. Principals listen to parents, and media moms can be passionate friends of your library.

More on this topic next time!

Have a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

That’s all I wanted to say in this section. Happy Thanksgiving!

Let me know how I can help! See you in two weeks!

Encouraging kids to read, I am
Tommy Johns
Educational Entertainment Specialist

PS – Don’t forget to share this newsletter and blog with your colleagues!
Call 770-315-3339 or Toll Free at (866) 490-READ
Your peers appreciate your advice about quality programs. Please tell them about your experience working with us. Our best sales people are our many loyal clients.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Really Truly Thankful

November 10, 2016

Every Thursday, you’ll get this short, fun, relevant newsletter. It will contain a quote or smile about the library and those who love it, an idea you can use to promote your library or reading in general, and an occasional shameless plug for the programs I offer. Enjoy!

If you are new to us or have missed any previous issues, you can read them all at And, please; tell your friends about it!

In this issue:
It’s November!
Getting the Work Done!
Looking Ahead!

It’s November

Leaves are falling, the election is over, and ALL those holidays are looming large on the horizon. Like every other kid I knew growing up, I have always loved Christmas. But as I have gotten older, I have started really enjoying Thanksgiving more and more. Partly because of the food, largely because of the family, but MOSTLY because it reminds me and others I know to be thankful. Thankful for people who mean so much to me, for opportunities to discover and grow, for simple things and complicated – and for contemplating things that go unnoticed or underappreciated for much of the rest of the year.

One of those things I am really grateful for is a love for reading and the ability to do so – whether I am reading directions, the new Jack Reacher novel, super hero books to my grandson, or a blog about library work. Being a reader has made my life (and, I suspect, yours!) so much richer. And it is pretty awesome to be a part of a team of people who spend much of their lives instilling that love in others. Thanks for letting me play!

And keep up the good work!


“We don’t need to have just one favorite book. We keep adding favorites. Our favorite book is always the book that speaks most directly to us at a particular stage in our lives. And our lives change. We have other favorites that give us what we most need at that particular time. But we never lose the old favorites. They’re always with us. We just sort of accumulate them.” — Lloyd Alexander, Newbery Winner

Encouraging reading – from 45 Ideas in 45 Minutes – Getting the Work Done

I saw a bumper sticker that said “What I need is more time, more money, and less $%#@&* from you people!” There never seems to be enough time or money to get the work done and many media specialists have lost hours and personnel, and some have even been moved to the classroom for part of the day. Here’s one way to make the best of the situation.

28. Get substitute teachers to come and help in the Media Center during planning period. If you have two subs per day who will help for 30 minutes per day, you will get 5 hours of help each week. If you have set tasks for them to do so that you don’t have to stop and tell them/show them what you want, it becomes a time saver, not a burden. Once subs get the hang of it, you have help every day! Since some of your subs are also parents at your school, you can begin training media center volunteers!

Looking Ahead to Spring and the End of the Year

“Teacher In-Service Training” – many times, that phrase strikes worry and concern in the heart of the media specialist. The county or your local school provides learning opportunities for classroom teachers and so that it won’t be unfair, you have to attend. What if there were sessions designed just for media specialists? Would THAT make the time more worthwhile?

I can help. Check out the topics I offer at little or no cost to groups of media specialists at I’d love to come to your district or regional training event and be a part of your professional development!

Let me know how I can help! See you next week!

Encouraging kids to read, I am
Tommy Johns
Educational Entertainment Specialist

PS – Don’t forget to share this newsletter and blog with your colleagues! 
Call 770-315-3339 or Toll Free at (866) 490-READ
Your peers appreciate your advice about quality programs. Please tell them about your experience working with us. Our best sales people are our many loyal clients.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

You Probably Already Do this, but…

November 3, 2016

Every Thursday, you’ll get this short, fun, relevant newsletter. It will contain a quote or smile about the library and those who love it, an idea you can use to promote your library or reading in general, and an occasional shameless plug for the programs I offer. Enjoy!

If you are new to us or have missed any previous issues, you can read them all at And please tell your friends about it!

In this issue:
You Probably Already Do this, but…
Experiences are WAY Better!
All Aboard the Arctic Express!

You Probably Already Do this, but…

There are lots of websites and social media sites that can help you in your work as a media specialist. One that you probably already take part in is Pinterest. In addition to cake recipes and gardening tips, there are hundreds of media specialists sharing their great ideas about encouraging reading, getting the administrative part of the job done and THIS ONE about an easy to set up, low tech MAKER SPACE! Click here to check it out!


One of the best ways to help a child learn empathy is through great stories. I love this quote from Joyce Carol Oates.

“Reading is the sole means by which we slip, involuntarily, often helplessly, into another’s skin, another’s voice, another’s soul.”
Joyce Carol Oates, American writer

Encouraging reading – from 45 Ideas in 45 Minutes – Encouraging Reading

10. Reward readers with EXPERIENCES, not just stuff. EX. Lunch in the Library, first checkout of new books, or allow a hold on a favorite series. People remember the things they DO and EXPERIENCE longer than they remember the STUFF that they get. So why not give your kids experiences! Going to a show, going first in line, being the first one to checkout a new book, having lunch with YOU – all these things man a lot more than a plastic rainbow colored Slinky shaped like a book!

All Aboard the Arctic Express!

There are still several open dates in December for this fun and educationally significant program! Arctic Express looks like a magic show that tells a story about a boy who loves trains, but it is really a reading assembly program that teaches your students about winter holidays that are celebrated around the world. Your students can join the hundreds of audiences who have experienced this one of a kind program. To find out more, click here to go to the website, or hit reply and say “Tell me more!”

Let me know how I can help! See you next week!

Encouraging kids to read, I am
Tommy Johns
Educational Entertainment Specialist

PS – Don’t forget to share this newsletter and blog with your colleagues!
Call 770-315-3339 or Toll Free at (866) 490-READ
Your peers appreciate your advice about quality programs. Please tell them about your experience working with us. Our best sales people are our many loyal clients.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

More Music in the Library!

October 27, 2016

Every Thursday, you’ll get this short, fun, relevant newsletter. It will contain a quote or smile about the library and those who love it, an idea you can use to promote your library or reading in general, and an occasional shameless plug for the programs I offer. Enjoy!

If you are new to us or have missed any previous issues, you can read them all at And please tell your friends about it!

In this issue:
Music in the Library! Part 2
Sharpen the Saw!
What Tiffany Said!

Music in the Library! Part 2

Last week I wrote about Shannon Miller and her webinar about using music in the library. I heard from several of you who listened to the webinar or the replay and had good things to say about it. Within hours of sending the Smart Librarians newsletter, I received this idea for using music in the library from Sabrina Smith, media specialist at Austin HS in Decatur, AL:

“Our high school is on a block schedule which begins at 8:30 each day. Our previous librarian found through a survey that students preferred to come into the library early rather than stay after school. I open the library each morning at 7:30. The news is on the big screen. Students can use the computers, work at the tables, talk quietly with their friends, listen to their music with earbuds or just "hang out." It is a comfortable, safe environment for the hour before school. I generally have around 100 students who come in during that time. On Fridays, we play music instead of the news. We tune into and usually choose to do the decade of the 60's hits. The students grin and shake their heads. I think that all of us enjoy our mornings together. When the 8:30 bell rings for school to begin, we turn off the news and music so that classes can use the library. It is quite enjoyable.”

Thanks Sabrina! I must add that when I asked for permission to share her email, she was quick to point out that it was not her idea alone. She gave credit to the previous media specialist and others who helped make this work at her school – just like a good media specialist should!


“No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.”

Encouraging reading – from 45 Ideas in 45 Minutes – Sharpen the Saw

We continue this week with yet another way to “sharpen the saw.”

45. READ! Practice what you preach. If you are going to tell others the value of reading, you should get caught with a book every now and then. Read for professional development, read to see what your students are reading AND read for fun.

Here’s what they are saying about Tommy Johns Presents!

“I loved your magic show. It was the best show I have ever seen in my whole entire life. You're the best magician in the whole world. My class loved your magic show.”
Tiffany, 3rd Grader, Roswell, Georgia

Let me know how I can help! See you next week!

Encouraging kids to read, I am
Tommy Johns
Educational Entertainment Specialist

PS – Don’t forget to share this newsletter and blog with your colleagues!
Call 770-315-3339 or Toll Free at (866) 490-READ
Your peers appreciate your advice about quality programs. Please tell them about your experience working with us. Our best sales people are our many loyal clients.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Music in the Library? Are you kidding me?

Every Thursday, you’ll get this short, fun, relevant newsletter. It will contain a quote or smile about the library and those who love it, an idea you can use to promote your library or reading in general, and an occasional shameless plug for the programs I offer. Enjoy! 

If you are new to us or have missed any previous issues, you can read them all at And please tell your friends about it!

In this issue:
Music in the Library!
Sharpen the Saw!
What Erin Said!

Music in the Library!

I have long been a fan of creative media specialists (like you!) who shatter the stereotypes and embrace the different ways the school library can change lives. One of those creative colleagues is Shannon Miller, who is hosting a free webinar next week on using music in the library. The webinar is next Monday at 3:00 CDST, but if you register for it and can’t attend, it will be available to you online afterwards. You can download it and listen to it as you drive to school or watch it during your kids’ dance practice while the other parents are looking at their Facebook feeds. Register and get the details HERE.

Speaking of Shannon, her blog is AMAZING! This week she tells you how to put over 15,000 beautiful, high-quality and popular books into the hands of your students today FOR FREE! Click HERE to find out how!


“What a miracle it is that out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfold world after world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort and quiet or excite you. Books help us understand who we are and how we are to behave. They show us what community and friendship mean; they show us how to live and die.”
Anne Lamott, author

Encouraging reading – from 45 Ideas in 45 Minutes – Sharpen the Saw

We continue this week with another way to “sharpen the saw.”

44. Attend GaETC, regional training events, online webinars and see what your regional RESA (in GA) or ASLA District (in AL) offers. Or invite a speaker to come to your school district on the next teacher training day to speak just to media specialists. I have a number of topics I have presented at local and large events, and I would LOVE to come see you! Check out for a list of topics!

Getting out of the media center (or completely out of the school!), even for an afternoon can be SO valuable.

Here’s what they are saying about Tommy Johns Presents!

“This is a belated “thank you” to let you know how much I appreciated and enjoyed your visit to Owens Elementary in March. As I reflect on the past school year, your visit stands out as one of the most entertaining and rewarding experiences for the students at Owens. I have shared your information with others and look forward to future visits!”
Erin Elkins, Media Specialist, Owens ES, Athens, AL

Let me know how I can help! See you next week!

Encouraging kids to read, I am
Tommy Johns
Educational Entertainment Specialist

PS – Don’t forget to share this newsletter and blog with your colleagues!  
Call 770-315-3339 or Toll Free at (866) 490-READ
Your peers appreciate your advice about quality programs. Please tell them about your experience working with us. Our best sales people are our many loyal clients.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Bookkeeper? Maybe!

October 13, 2016

Every Thursday, you’ll get this short, fun, relevant newsletter. It will contain a quote or smile about the library and those who love it, an idea you can use to promote your library or reading in general, and an occasional shameless plug for the programs I offer. Enjoy! 

If you are new to us or have missed any previous issues, you can read them all at And please tell your friends about it!

In this issue:
Not the Bookkeeper!
Sharpen the Saw!
What Sharon Said!

Not the Bookkeeper!

Our good friend and colleague Ingrid Hanson posted this on her Facebook page last week:

“Today a 6th grader came into the media center and waited very patiently for me while I was teaching. I finally went over and asked him what he needed. He said "My teacher said I needed to talk to the bookkeeper."

I explained the bookkeeper was in the front office...then I got it. Yes, I have books and I keep them for everyone to check out, but I am not the bookkeeper you are looking for.” Go Ingrid!

Now you can add “Bookkeeper” to your resume’!


“Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them.”
Lemony Snicket (aka Daniel Handler)

Encouraging reading – from 45 Ideas in 45 Minutes – Sharpen the Saw

Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People coined a phrase about constant self-improvement, “sharpening the saw.” I fear that too many of you are like a soup kitchen cook, starving over a full pot while you are feeding the masses and never taking time to eat. You need to get your battery charged if you are going to keep going and going and going.

#43. Become a member of a Professional Learning Community – locally or online. If you can’t find one, create one. Meet regularly, ESPECIALLY if you are in a small system. You need the support of your colleagues. Face it, a second grade teacher or 11th grade music specialist does not understand what you are dealing with on a regular basis. And you can’t complain to one teacher about another. But another media specialist can help. And you can return the favor. GLMA and ASLA have excellent listservs that allow you to ask questions, share your expertise (and frustrations), and make virtual friends all over the state. You can’t do it alone. Lean on each other. (BTW, if you don’t know what GLMA and ASLA are, you should find out!)

Here’s what they are saying about Tommy Johns Presents!

“Thank you so much for coming to Hopkins! You are AMAZING! The students and staff loved you! Looking forward to you coming back to our school again!”
Sharon Britt, Media Specialist, Hopkins Elementary

Let me know how I can help! See you next week!

Encouraging kids to read, I am
Tommy Johns
Educational Entertainment Specialist

PS – Don’t forget to share this newsletter and blog with your colleagues!  
Call 770-315-3339 or Toll Free at (866) 490-READ
Your peers appreciate your advice about quality programs. Please tell them about your experience working with us. Our best sales people are our many loyal clients.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Sharpest Knife in the Drawer!

Every Thursday you’ll get this short, fun, relevant newsletter. It will contain a quote or smile about the library and those who love it, an idea you can use to promote your library or reading in general, and an occasional shameless plug for the programs I offer. Enjoy! 

If you are new to us or have missed any previous issues, you can read them all at And please tell your friends about it!

In this issue:
Sharp as a Knife!
You are a TEACHER!
All Aboard the Arctic Express!

Sharp as a Knife!

Growing up in a small town in Alabama in the 60’s, I carried a pocket knife with me everywhere – even to school! The single blade Barlow knife I had carried since I was 8 was replaced when I was 10 by a gift from our Scoutmaster – a genuine Swiss Army Knife. Now, in addition to whittling and sharpening pencils, I could pick my teeth, tighten a screw (Phillips or slotted!), poke a hole in leather or open a bottle of wine. That last one was pretty useless for a 10 year old Baptist kid from a dry county!

I thought about my Swiss Army Knife recently while reading an article by Bob Reilly, where he talks about school librarians, saying,

“…applicants for these jobs have to be able to perform a "Swiss Army knife" array of duties. The reality is that the position of librarian…has evolved very quickly into curriculum leader and technology expert, in addition to the traditional librarian stuff.”

“Jeesh! It seems to me that there should be some mention of "healing the sick and raising the dead" in such job description documents. But this is how it's getting to be almost everywhere.”

It’s a good read. You can read the rest of it by clicking here. 


"The most important asset of any library goes home at night -- the library staff."
-- Timothy Healy, former president, New York Public Library.

Encouraging reading – from 45 Ideas in 45 Minutes – Promoting the Library and Its Value to the School

#4. Refer to yourself as a teacher and your library as a classroom. Words mean things. You ARE a teacher and your media center IS a classroom. One reason your colleagues talk out loud at the copier when you are teaching a lesson (something you would NEVER do in THEIR classroom), may be because they don’t see you as a teacher or your classroom as a classroom. Use the words teacher (or teacher/librarian) and classroom when you talk, when you write, and even when you think!

All Aboard Arctic Express!

It’s not too early to be thinking about the holidays! One of my favorite programs is Arctic Express, a reading show that talks about the many holidays celebrated around the end of the calendar year, all over the world! Find out more about this fun and educational program by clicking here and scrolling to the bottom of the page.

Here’s what they are saying about Tommy Johns Presents!

“If you are looking for a program that will engage your children and educate them as well...boy do I have a performer for you!”
Debbie Turner, Jesup, GA

Let me know how I can help! See you next week!

Encouraging kids to read, I am
Tommy Johns
Educational Entertainment Specialist

PS – Don’t forget to share this newsletter and blog with your colleagues!  
Call 770-315-3339 or Toll Free at (866) 490-READ

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

September 22, 2016

September 22, 2016

Every Thursday, you’ll get this short, fun, relevant newsletter. It will contain a quote or smile about the library and those who love it, an idea you can use to promote your library or reading in general, and an occasional shameless plug for the programs I offer. Enjoy! 

If you are new to us or have missed any previous issues, you can read them all at And please tell your friends about it!

In this issue:
Bryan Davis Rocks!
Speak Up in Staff Meeting!
Alabama Library Expo Report!

Bryan Davis Rocks!

One of the highlights of this week has been to spend some time with author Bryan Davis ( He writes fantasy epics for older children and teens (and occasionally for grownups!).

He talked this week about some of the letters he has gotten from teens who have been inspired by his books. One in particular was a girl who had been sexually abused and by reading about the strong female hero of one of his books, gained the courage to stand up to her abuser and report him. He’s now in jail and the girl is a young woman who is pursuing creative writing as a college student. Just hearing him tell of the impact of story as a life changer gave me chills – every time I heard him tell it!

One hero in this story that was overlooked? The MEDIA SPECIALIST who selected and processed the book and made it available to this young lady. You serve as the pipeline between authors of inspiring literature and the kids whose lives are changed by the power of a book!

You are making a difference today for your students! Keep up the good work!


"I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian who crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved."
-- Barbara Kingsolver, novelist

Encouraging reading – from 45 Ideas in 45 Minutes – Getting Resources to Teachers

#38. Ask your principal for a full one hour session in pre-planning (or a 3 minute Spotlight on Media Center Resources in every staff meeting!) to tell/remind teachers of the great resources available. When you remind teachers what resources you have (or tell them about them for the first time) you can make them more effective teachers and become an indispensable part of the team. They need to know that the media center is not just for the students, but that you have a lot to offer them as well. You can do it one big session, but it would probably be more effective in bite-size, time relevant doses at the point of need.

Alabama Library Expo

I had so much fun sharing 45 Ideas in 45 Minutes with nearly 500 media specialists this week at the Alabama Library Expo! I made some new friends and saw a lot of folks I have known for a while. And we have added over 100 people to the Smart Librarians newsletter list! Welcome! (BTW, I can come to YOUR county or region and lead a professional development session. Check it out on my website!)

Encouraging kids to read, I am
Tommy Johns
Educational Entertainment Specialist

PS – Don’t forget to share this newsletter and blog with your colleagues!
Call 770-315-3339 or Toll Free at (866) 490-READ
Your peers appreciate your advice about quality programs. Please tell them about your experience working with us. Our best sales people are our many loyal clients.

You are receiving this newsletter because you have attended one of my workshops, invited me to your school, or registered for a free half day of assemblies at a conference. If you’d like to unsubscribe, simply click reply and let me know. Have a WONDER-Filled Day!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Gary Paulsen thinks you are AMAZING!

September 15, 2016

Every Thursday, you’ll get this short, fun, relevant newsletter. It will contain a quote or smile about the library and those who love it, an idea you can use to promote your library or reading in general, and an occasional shameless plug for the programs I offer. Enjoy! 

If you are new to us or have missed any previous issues, you can read them all at And please tell your friends about it!

In this issue:
Gary Paulsen Inspired!
How to impress your teachers!
Alabama Library Expo!

Gary Paulsen Inspired!

I had the privilege a few years ago to perform “I Love to Read!” at a community wide library event where Gary Paulsen was the featured speaker. He has had over 200 books published and is a real rock star in contemporary children’s literature. He had some hilarious stories to tell, but my favorite 3 minutes of the whole day was when he told how his life changed forever at the library.

"One night, in a small Minnesota town (Thief River Falls) where I was selling newspapers, as I was walking past the public library in twenty below temperatures, I could see the reading room bathed in beautiful golden light. I went in to get warm and, to my absolute astonishment, the librarian walked up to me and said, 'Would you like a book?'

"I said, 'Sure.' And she said, 'Bring it back when you're done and you can get another one.' This went on for a long time. The librarian kept giving me things to take home and read— westerns, science fiction, and every once in a while a classic. She didn't care if I wore the right clothes, dated the right girls; none of those prejudices existed in the library. When she handed me a library card, she handed me the world.”

When the librarian asked if he would like a library card, Paulsen says, "the most astonishing thing happened. This silly little card with my name on it gave me an identity I had not had. I felt I had become somebody."

You are making a difference today for your students! Keep up the good work!


"Libraries and librarians have definitely changed my life -- and the lives of countless other Americans...they deserve the support and patronage of every single one of us who values education."
-- Former First Lady Barbara Bush

Encouraging reading – from 45 Ideas in 45 Minutes – Promote Reading

39. Keep up with what your teachers are teaching. Know the standards and ask to be invited to the teacher planning time/collaboration to let them know what resources the library media center offers to support upcoming lessons. You can increase your value to the school and help your colleagues become better teachers by showing them that there are DVD’s, books and databases that can help 5th grade teachers teach about the Civil War. More effective teachers, increased value, better educated students and increased test scores should be motive enough. Add to that the warm feeling you get when you KNOW that you are making a difference for the whole school, and this is worth doing.

Alabama Library Expo

I am so excited to be a featured speaker at the Alabama Library Expo next week. I will be presenting “45 Ideas in 45 Minutes!” for the folks attending. I look forward to seeing you there!

Let me know how I can help! See you next week!

“Thanks for a great show. Our mission is to educate, enrich and entertain – you certainly covered all three areas! What a great way to get children to Dream BIG! Thank you again and have a great summer.”
Mandi Cantrell, BB Comer Library, Sylacauga, AL

Encouraging kids to read, I am
Tommy Johns
Educational Entertainment Specialist

PS – Don’t forget to share this newsletter and blog with your colleagues!
Call 770-315-3339 or Toll Free at (866) 490-READ
Your peers appreciate your advice about quality programs. Please tell them about your experience working with us. Our best sales people are our many loyal clients.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

September 8, 2016

Every Thursday, you’ll get this short, fun, relevant newsletter. It will contain a quote or smile about the library and those who love it, an idea you can use to promote your library or reading in general, and an occasional shameless plug for the programs I offer. Enjoy! 

If you are new to us or have missed any previous issues, you can read them all at And please tell your friends about it!

In this issue:
Zoo Atlanta Educator Day!
READ Posters –Starring YOU!
Time’s running out!

Zoo Atlanta Educator Day!

Zoo Atlanta is having their Fall Educator Appreciation Day on Saturday, September 17, 2016. Educators receive FREE admission (educator ID required) and $2 OFF general admission for accompanying guests. Visit the Educator’s Lounge in the Ford Tent from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to receive your coupon for 10% off gift shops and food outlets.


Librarians are there:

To help, aid, assist. To teach, collate, enthuse. To catalogue, index, arrange, organize. To find, discover, promote, display. To interest, intrigue, amuse and amaze. To instill wonder. To help children, adults, old people, the underprivileged, the rich, the poor, those with voices and those without. To protect resources, to archive them, to store them, to save them for the future. To provide differing viewpoints, to engender thought, conversation, research, fun. To provide the best answer possible, to match the answer to the enquirer, to provide just enough information without overwhelming the user, but enough to always help. To better a local community, a company, a college, an organization, a country, the world.

Google is there: To make money.
- Phil Bradley

Encouraging reading – from 45 Ideas in 45 Minutes – Promote Reading

9. Design and print READ posters for top readers, classes, administration, and staff with favorite books. I have designed a series of READ type posters you can use for your top readers and others in the school. I usually print these 11X17 so they are big enough to see, but affordable. If your school doesn’t have a large format color printer, most big office supply stores run specials so that an 11X17 color copy of one of these posters is less than $2.00.

If you’d like to have the templates, send me an e-mail at and I’ll send them along with directions on how to insert your photos into the poster.

Time is running out to book at last year’s pricing!

Earlier this year, I worked with a REAL web designer and upgraded my website, And when I did that, I raised my prices for the first time since 2005! But here’s a deal for folks who read the WHOLE newsletter. If you book any programs for any time in the 2016-17 school year, you get the old pricing! All you have to do is send me an email and say “I want the old price!” The only catch is that you must contact me to book the program before my birthday on September 12, 2016. That’s when this offer expires. The program can be scheduled for any day this year, but you must book it in the next 5 days. (BTW, the old pricing is $875 for a full day of programs and $550 for a half day.)

Let me know how I can help! See you next week!

“WOW!  Tommy Johns is fantastic! Through magic, puppets, games, music and lots of volunteers from the audience, his enthusiastic personality encourages students to be READERS.”
Janie B. Vaden, Media Specialist, Dalton, GA

Encouraging kids to read, I am
Tommy Johns
Educational Entertainment Specialist

PS – Don’t forget to share this newsletter and blog with your colleagues!
Call 770-315-3339 or Toll Free at (866) 490-READ
Your peers appreciate your advice about quality programs. Please tell them about your experience working with us. Our best sales people are our many loyal clients.

You are receiving this newsletter because you have attended one of my workshops, invited me to your school, or registered for a free half day of assemblies at a conference. If you’d like to unsubscribe, simply click reply and let me know. Have a WONDER-Filled Day!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

September 1, 2016

Every Thursday, you’ll get this short, fun, relevant newsletter. It will contain a quote or smile about the library and those who love it, an idea you can use to promote your media center or reading in general, and an occasional shameless plug for the programs I offer. Enjoy!

If you are new to us or have missed any previous issues, you can read them all at And please tell your friends about it!

In this issue:
Meet Hilda
Brag About It!
Alabama Library Expo!

Meet Hilda!
Hilda is 88 years young and we have been friends for about 20 years. She and her late husband Bob sort of adopted our family and we just love her to pieces. Here’s why YOU should know her!

She is an avid reader and her love of reading is the main reason she decided to get cataract surgery earlier this year. “There just aren’t enough Big Print books available in the mystery section! Besides – those books are for old people!”

Her love of reading started when she was about 9 years old and a librarian in Girardville, Pennsylvania suggested she read “Little Women.” She was hooked! And almost 80 years later, she still talks about that library lady.

In 80 years, somebody’s going to be talking about you too! Because you’re AWESOME!


“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.”
-George RR Martin

Encouraging reading – from 45 Ideas in 45 Minutes – Promote Reading 

#1 - Post your circulation statistics and update them every week or so. Just outside the media center door, place a sign that says,
So far this year, your media center has checked out
1,428  items to staff
            6, 201 items to students
7,629  total items
That’s a 12.7% increase over last year!
Way to go, Bobcats!

You can run a report every week and update your school’s progress and brag about what the teacher librarian is doing to help!

I’m Speaking at the Alabama Library Expo!
I will be presenting “45 Ideas in 45 Minutes” to the attendees of the Library Expo, a four day four city rolling conference. If you are in Alabama I hope to see you there!

Go to to find out more!

Let me know how I can help! See you next week!

Encouraging kids to read, I am
Tommy Johns
Educational Entertainment Specialist

PS – Don’t forget to share this newsletter and blog with your colleagues! 
Call 770-315-3339 or Toll Free at (866) 490-READ
Your peers appreciate your advice about quality programs. Please tell them about your experience working with us. Our best sales people are our many loyal clients.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

August 18, 2016

Every Thursday, you’ll get this short, fun, relevant newsletter. It will contain a quote or smile about the library and those who love it, an idea you can use to promote your library or reading in general, and an occasional shameless plug for the programs I offer. Enjoy! 

If you are new to us or have missed any previous issues, you can read them all at And please tell your friends about it!

In this issue:
More than books!
Experiences are better than stuff!
I gave myself a raise!

More than books!

When most people think of the library, they think of books, and rightly so. With a very few exceptions, your media center has more books than any other resource, even if you don’t count e-books.

But we both know that the library media center contains so much more! When a student or teacher goes to the library, they may well leave with a book. Or a DVD. Or a piece of equipment.

But often they leave with an answer to a big question. A student struggling with family problems may leave with an assurance that she can overcome her situation. A teacher may walk out of the media center with a new idea for teaching a tough concept. Students learn empathy when they read about the challenges of a character in a compelling story. A minority student may be inspired by reading about someone just like her who changed the world.

Imaginations are awakened. Ideas come to life. Lives are changed.

Your library looks like a room full of books to some folks. But we know that they are filled with SO much more!


“Each time you open a book and read it, a tree smiles, knowing there’s life after death.”
Author Unknown (quote borrowed from Laurie Bryant’s e-mail signature)

Encouraging reading – from 45 Ideas in 45 Minutes – Promote Reading

#10. Reward readers with EXPERIENCES, not just stuff. EX. Lunch in the Library, first checkout of new books, allow a hold on a favorite series. People remember the things they DO and EXPERIENCE longer than they remember the STUFF that they get. So why not give your kids experiences! Going to a show, going first in line, being the first one to checkout a new book, having lunch with YOU – all these things man a lot more than a fake plastic rainbow Slinky shaped like a book from Oriental Trading! And experiences are usually cheaper!

I gave myself a raise!

Earlier this year, I worked with a REAL web designer and upgraded my website, And when I did that, I raised my prices for the first time since 2005! But here’s a deal for folks who read the WHOLE newsletter. If you book any programs for any time in the 2016-17 school year, you get the old pricing! All you have to do is send me an email and say “I want the old price!” The only catch is that you must contact me to book the program before my birthday on September 12, 2016. That’s when this offer expires. The program can be scheduled for any day this year, but you must book it in the next 25 days.

Let me know how I can help! See you next week!

“Everyone loved Go Wild! (the science and reading program)and want you to come back!  I have let other schools know about the AWESOME show my students saw.  I tell them how well you manage and control student behavior, and how much the kids l earned.  Students are still showing parents your posters and saying, ‘I saw him.  It was so much fun!’  They were sorry when the show ended!”
Patty Krezinski, Media Specialist
Diamond Lakes ES, Hephzibah, GA

Encouraging kids to read, I am
Tommy Johns
Educational Entertainment Specialist

PS – Don’t forget to share this newsletter and blog with your colleagues!
Call 770-315-3339 or Toll Free at (866) 490-READ
Your peers appreciate your advice about quality programs. Please tell them about your experience working with us. Our best sales people are our many loyal clients.

You are receiving this newsletter because you have attended one of my workshops, invited me to your school, or registered for a free half day of assemblies at a conference. If you’d like to unsubscribe, simply click reply and let me know. Have a WONDER-Filled Day!